Host Name : Damion Moyer
Date : Thursday, 1PM
20+ attendies
- What rituals are they involved in?
- Standup
- Planning meeting
- Retro
- How do you make it not Waterfall?
- What is the smallest change I can make
- Don't approach the whole story.
- smallest slice
- How do you fit UX into the Agile Process
- New feature comes down
- UX grabs the cross functional team and comes up with the idea (over a couple days)
- Iterative process
- Come up with story
- get designers involved
- deliver back into the stream before the sprint
- after the work increment is passed back to UX for testing/usibility
- cycle back issues into the backplg
- UX designer is creating the work before the sprint
- during the demo designers present their designs
- Design has their own process
- creating lots of ideas and whittling the ideas down
- has to no all the requirements up front
- Concur that UX is part of the Product team.
- UX should have enough information from product to be able to deliver their ideas before
- UX works on the Feature level and lower a bit but not at the story leve
- Some shops do UX Research but not UX design
- How does UX communicate the design principles to the execution team?
- Demo page/mockups/style sheet
- Living style guide
- Starbucks has a public style guide (check it out)
- Library of controls
- Twitter has a good style guide
- Workflows!
- UX patterns
- Pairing if questions
- How to get User Design metrics worked into stories
- keyboard level model
- behavior models
- Some people aren't using use cases anymore and this is frustrating to designers
- i.e. how many times a day person will do the same action over and over
- What are some of the ways that UX is still the advocate for the user
- Writing user stories with the cross functional team.
- Intuitive
- Follow suit with the UI
- every time you create a story you ask those questions
- Create a list of questions that should be asked if there is a UI element.
- Embedded UX member in Scrum teams
- attends scrum team meetings
- Has their own sprints
- own meetings and rituals
- In UX sprint designer creates a workflow
- puts before users
- feedback
- iterate
- then the design goes to the developers
- The idea is that the UX sprint is several sprints ahead of dev sprint so the usability testing has already been done
- Functional Reviews
- before stories are considered done ^ needs to happen
- What is the good ratio of UX to scrum teams
- 2:1 or 3:1
- One person describes no UX input until they finish the backend and then get a contract UX team.
- Frustrating and risky
- You are not able to fail fast
- What do UX designers recommend to developers to help them understand design thinking?
- Usability sessions
- developers should viewing/attending these sessions
- real world experience
- Shadowing
- sit with the users and understand why they are doing what they are doing
- Personas
- 1 company gave out a deck of cards with all the personas to each developers
- are they just anecdotal evidence?
- Some people don't think they work
- they are reactive to Workflows that are already established
- Incremental UX
- Often see issues with it working.
- guilt ridden (because it is really rough)
- Need to be ego free because you are going to showing really rough product to users.
- Is there a way to get the feedback before releasing
- Usability research which has to happen before design (not agile in the way that we think of)
- feed back on each element on rough product
- If a design problem is concise incremental is possible
- Greenfield (new feature) incremental is not necessarily possible. (disagreement on this)
- Small feedback loops with users is possible.
- Theory that it is just a pattern that has not been established with design
- moving to agile for software was painful
- moving to agile for UX will be hard too
- Has anyone been able to split Large design problems into small slices?
- User stories?
- What can software developers do to better support a UX team
- Before a feature even gets to pen and paper talk about the experience we want to create
- Conversations earlier
- Challenge designers to help pair with developers
- Pair designingW
- What can UX members do to help support developers?
- Let go of the chip on your shoulder
- Leave your ego at the door
- Dev's are not there to screw up a perfect design
- What information is useful to UX designers
- DOn't get stuck in the cycle of negotiation.
- here is the design
- here is why we can't do it.
- Pattern library
- developers have a resource
- everyone is speaking the same language then
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